9 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep Despite Stress

Nowadays a good sleep is a big luxury. We are the society that stays up all night to work, study or have fun. However, going without adequate sleep carries with it both long and short term consequences. It can affect your mood, ability to retain and learn information, and may increase the risk of serious diseases and accidents. Constant stresses of life and work issues will leave anyone tossing and turning all night. Those people who have a more sensitive nervous system are inclined to suffer from insomnia.
Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important to your brain function. Furthermore, sleep can affect proper hormone balance. I hope this article will help you adopt all necessary habits that encourage better sleep.

1. Reduce caffeine intake

Human sensitivity to the effects of caffeine on sleep is absolutely variable, but in most cases it helps restore better levels of wakefulness. The stimulating effects of caffeine take hours to wear off and can wreak havoc on quality sleep. Try to eliminate it from your nutrition and you will notice the improvement of your sleep. If you cannot live without caffeine, you can replace it with water or herbal tea to boost your energy and health naturally.

2. Relax

In the evening hours, it is desirable to provide various relaxing procedures. Many doctors recommend creating a suitable sleep environment to prepare your body for sleep. Warm temperatures can greatly affect sleep quality. Open the window to air the room and fill it with oxygen. For example, I find reading and practicing gentle yoga the best prep activities before sleeping. These relaxing activities can promote better sleep by easing the transition between wakefulness and drowsiness.

3. Left-nostril breathing makes wonders

Have you ever practiced yoga? Left-nostril breathing is a good way to improve your sleep. Many yoga students report sleeping better after beginning a regular yoga practice. This yoga technique activates your parasympathetic nervous system. Use the thumb or index finger of your right hand to close your right nostril. Breathe deep and long for 5 minutes through the left nostril or until you fall asleep. These slow deep breaths have a great relaxing effect on your body and mind.

4. A sleepy meal at dinnertime

If you want to have a good night’s sleep, try not to overload your digestive system. Your discomfort might keep you up. About 90 minutes before you want to nod off, head for the kitchen and make yourself a light sleepy-time snack. You’d better limit the amount of water you drink before bed to prevent night trips to the toilet.
Moreover, there are many foods that promote sleep. They include melatonin, magnesium and tryptophan. Chamomile tea or warm milk with honey is practically a sleeping pill. For desert you can try some bananas. In addition to soothing melatonin, and serotonin, bananas contain magnesium that is a good muscle relaxant.

5. Train your mind

Many people have the fear of insomnia. They get anxious because they think they are not sleeping enough. Besides, stress at work or anticipation of a challenging day ahead can keep you wound up until 2 or 3 am and occasionally all night. A few bad nights can activate a cycle of insomnia lasting for weeks. Fearful thoughts create emotional and physical tension and you cannot fall into a deep sleep. If you cannot fight this fear, ask someone for support. A compassionate friend or spouse is a good source to turn for emotional support when suffering from a phobia of insomnia.

6. Take a hot bath

One of the most effective ways to fall asleep is to take a hot bath. You should take it at least one hour before bedtime. Mix ½ cup Epsom salts with a few drops of an essential oil. Soak for at least 20 minutes and it will help you relax and fall asleep faster.

7. Relaxation breaks

Try to take frequent 10 minute breaks during the day and use them to move around as much as possible. Take a stretch, walk or exercise if possible. It will help you keep your body in balance. Moreover, you will avoid the state of overwhelm by the end of the day.

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