The Top Fat-Burning Foods

Certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect, so you literally burn calories as you chew.

The Top Fat-Burning Foods

Boost your metabolism

It’s true: Certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect, so you literally scorch calories as you chew. Other eats contain nutrients and compounds that stoke your metabolic fire. Feed your metabolism with these.

NextNextThe Top Fat-Burning Foods

Whole grains

Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods (especially those rich in fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice) than processed foods.

The Top Fat-Burning Foods

Lean meats

Protein has a high thermogenic effect: You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion (so a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down).

The Top Fat-Burning Foods

Low-fat dairy products

Rich in calcium and vitamin D, these help preserve and build muscle mass—essential for maintaining a robust metabolism.

The Top Fat-Burning Foods

Green tea

Drinking four cups of green tea a day helped people shed more than six pounds in eight weeks, theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports. Credit EGCG, a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds metabolism after sipping it. To up your intake, keep a jug of iced tea in the fridge.

The Top Fat-Burning Foods


One cup packs 35% of your daily iron needs—good news, since up to 20% of us are iron- deficient. When you lack a nutrient, your metab slows because the body’s not getting what it needs to work efficiently, says Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, co-author of The Secret to Skinny.

The Top Fat-Burning Foods

Hot peppers

Capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their kick, heats up your body, which makes you melt additional calories. You can get it by eating raw, cooked, dried, or powdered peppers, says Lakatos Shames. “Add as much cayenne or hot sauce as possible to soups, eggs, and meats.”


Out late, up early to workout? Master the art of correct and conceal.

Healthy Envoy

Is there anything more infuriating than the faux-concerned comment, ‘you look tired?’ Yes, we know thanks, we didn’t get enough sleep last night, this morning’s training didn’t go well as expected and we still have an eight-hour shift to pull at the office.

But while you can power your body with caffeine (temporarily only, please), how can you pep up tired skin?

Lynsey Alexander, make-up artist and Estee Lauder UK makeup ambassador, comes to the rescue. First, she says, avoid the temptation to just cake it on.  "To ensure skin looks like skin mix an illuminating balm in with your foundation. This creates a base that looks radiant, not shiny – a more modern finish. You can also use Illuminating Perfecticing Primer (£24.50).” The act of massaging your illuminator/ foundation combo into your skin will also bring blood flow up to the surface of the skin, making you looking slightly flushed, in a good way.

Next, she says, get out the paints. “Colour correct any blue-ish under tones with a warm corrector. Apply a dab of peach corrector over the top and then add your light reflector."

Finish with eyelash curlers to open up the eyes and a sweep of mascara, and you’re ready to tackle the world again.

Exceptional Health Benefits of Raw Onions

People don’t fancy putting onion in their meal or even cutting an onion as it will leave you crying for no reason and eating it will give you bad breath. Apart from these two known pitfalls, onions has alot of health benefits. Onions have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic qualities and are rich in vitamins A, B6, B-complex and C, as well as iron, folate and potassium.
Onions are so popular as they can go with almost every meal. Below are 6 health benefits of raw onions.

1. It promotes Hair Growth

Onion juice is effective in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. The sulfur in onions helps promote blood circulation to the scalp and boosts production of collagen necessary for new hair growth. A 2002 study published in the Journal of Dermatology found that people suffering from alopecia areata saw significant hair regrowth after applying onion juice to their scalp twice daily for two months.
Extract the juice of 1 onion.
Mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 or 3 drops of lavender essential oil.
Massage it into your scalp.
Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on overnight or at least for 1 hour.
Rinse your hair with water, then shampoo as usual.
Repeat this treatment 2 or 3 times a week until you get the desired result.

2. Regulates Blood Sugar

Onions are good for people who have diabetes. The sulfur compound called allyl propyl disulfide in onions helps increase insulin production and lower blood glucose levels in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Furthermore, onion juice contains trace amounts of chromium, which helps improve the body’s glucose tolerance level. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food confirmed the antidiabetic effect of onions in diabetic rats. Onion extracts were found to be effective for lowering plasma glucose concentrations and body weight.
Diabetic people should include red onions regularly in their diet.
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3. It Prevents Cancer

Onions are found to have beneficial and preventive effects on various cancers, such as lung, ovarian, stomach, bladder, breast, colorectal, prostate, oral, liver and brain cancer. The phenolic and flavonoid content of onions with antioxidant activities help fight cancer cells.
A 2006 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows a positive connection between the frequency of use of allium vegetables (onion and garlic) and reduced risk of several common cancers. If you are at a higher risk of cancer, eat at least 1 onion daily.

4. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Regular onion intake can reduce your risk of conditions like arterial hardening, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. The quercetin found in onions has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are good for your heart health.
A 2007 study published in the American Society for Nutrition shows that quercetin helps reduce blood pressure in hypertensive subjects. Onions even help prevent cholesterol accumulation that contributes to clogging and hardening of the arteries. Start eating onions to boost your heart health.

5. Builds Strong Immunity

Due to their polyphenol content, onions can help boost your immunity by protecting your body against free radicals. Plus, onions contain a trace mineral selenium that helps improve immunity by initiating immune response and also preventing excessive immune response. Furthermore, consuming onions may help reduce allergic reactions in your body by stopping the production of histamine. Its antimicrobial properties also help prevent infections.
Decreased immune function during radiation treatment for cancer is common, but with intake of quercetin-rich foods, you can give a boost to your immunity.
A 2007 study published in Nutrition Research and Practice found that quercetin increased immune function, relieved inflammation and enhanced nutritional status in irradiated mice.

6. Increases Bone Density

Onions help slow the progression of bone loss, making them a very effective natural solution for aging women who are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. The peptide called GPCS in onions has the bone-helping potential. Furthermore, the high sulfur content provides direct benefits to connective tissue.

Also Read - Ways to Optain a Permanent Cure to Hemorrhoids

What She Wants to Hear | Speak The Lady Language

The right song, dance tune, or riff can arouse her. Men, listen for your cue

What She Wants to Hear - Health Envoy's Blog

Music and sex are as intertwined as two lovers' legs. Sure, men are the stereotypical record geeks, but music pierces women just as deeply. From Frank, Elvis, and the Beatles right up through Justin Bieber, every girl has her early days of swooning and squealing. As we grow out of those first flushes of longing, the role of music in our lives shifts. It becomes a source of ecstasy and identity, of comfort and power, a force as intense and complex and potentially transcendent as sex itself.

Just as we women have a "type" when it comes to men, the same is true with our musicians. Some prefer the sensitive sort with the scruffy face and coffee shop gig, while others fall for the wild man with the dirty stories and whiskey breath. Still others fancy the high-energy type who keeps us dancing all night and then pulls us out of bed for a run in the morning.

When dating, we're often less concerned with muscle tone or facial symmetry than with ears—specifically, what a guy pipes into his. You'd be hard-pressed to find any female music fan who hasn't vetted a potential conquest's tastes. It's not judgment; it's knowing yourself.
Bonding over a shared love of music can be heady. We meet a guy at our favorite band's show and there's already an endorphin high of the deeply loved music exploding onstage before us. Add the dark room and the crush of the crowd all but mandating body contact, and half the work is done. But even in workaday scenarios, like when we hear a man humming our favorite song, meeting someone who loves the music we love can be like an express pass into his brain, his heart. Also his pants.

Here's the thing, though: A man's taste in music is hardly a perfect predictor of compatibility, chemistry, or even civility. (After all, Charles Manson had a solid record collection.) A well-fitting band T-shirt or a thoughtful playlist can mean a man is someone whose finger we'd want on our click wheel. But in the end, in music as in sex, it's a matter of circumstance, of total dumb chance, of the right chemicals squirting out into our brains at the right time. Sometimes all a woman wants or needs is some frothy 3-minute pop nonsense to help her burrow through a stupid life rut, and sometimes all she needs is a guy who'll do the same.
We run a risk when we blur the lines between our men and our music. Sometimes love festers and spoils, and the collateral damage isn't so much to our hearts or our precious time but to whatever music got dragged into the mess with us. What came first, the scene or the soundtrack? Thank God you have more music; as useful as it can be in sparking love or lust, it's even more capable of totally obliterating bad memories.

Then sometimes the risk pays off: When I first met the man who's now my husband, we were teenagers. At about the same time we found ourselves falling in love with each other, we were also falling in love with music—music that we still share, albums that still transport us back to our earliest days together: Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, Neil Young's Harvest, the White Stripes's White Blood Cells. These beloved albums are now some of my all-time favorites; I can no more imagine my life without them than I can imagine my life without my husband. Do I love them because I love him? Do I love him because I love them? The answer to both questions, of course, is yes.

Rachael Maddux's greatest hits can be found at

What a Lady Wants to Hear - Health Envoy's Blog

Sex and Music : Sing Your Heart Out

Any guy—yes, even you!—can pull off a serenade. The key is to not take yourself too seriously. And to follow the advice of these experts.


Take it from a pro who knows: "If you can barely play guitar, don't try to tackle a Hendrix song. If you can barely sing, don't try to be Sinatra," says country singer Easton Corbin, whose album All Over the Road hit shelves in September. Keep it simple—and show some confidence, regardless of your vocal abilities. "Most women just want you to own the moment that you have created for them," says Corbin.


Mastery of an instrument can imply mastery elsewhere, says Moushumi Ghose, M.A., M.F.T., a sex therapist based in Los Angeles. "Women really crave someone who is fearless and who can maneuver through the world," she says. Your obvious choice: guitar. "The acoustic guitar evokes a lot of emotion," Ghose says. "It's a stripped-down instrument—there's not a lot of frills." Nearly half the women surveyed said it's the sexiest instrument (followed by piano at 26 percent).


Our survey reveals that it really doesn't matter whether you sound like Jason Mraz or Tom Waits. What's important is that you don't make the performance too intense. Likewise, Corbin says, "Don't choose a song that's too serious. Go with one that reinforces your feelings for her, without being a cliched wedding song." Ghose concurs: "Be truly genuine and honest about what you're singing. That's what can make a connection happen."
Sexy woman photo standing in bedroom looking out window - Health Envoy's Blog

Spare her the bedroom serenade. What Corbin suggests: Build a backyard campfire after dinner one night and fire up your vocal cords then. That way it feels less like an awkward musician-audience scene, and she won't feel pressure to nod or sing along as she listens. And don't freak if the lyrics suddenly escape you: "Just hum the tune. It'll still go over well with your girl," Corbin says. Romance covers all flaws.


A 2009 study in BMC Neuroscience shows that when people played music together, their brain waves synced up. "There's tremendous intimacy in making music together, and making music is very physical," says Meghan Hinman, M.A., M.T.-B.C., L.C.A.T., a psychotherapist who practices music therapy with couples. Music engages your limbic brain, or emotional center, and can help you express your feelings, she says. Bonus (maybe): "Music is often a mirror for what's happening in the relationship."


Harness all that emotion and physicality and go public at a friendly karaoke gathering. "There's an adrenaline rush that comes with being in front of a crowd," Hinman says. That makes for a great memory, and the thrill can carry over to the bedroom. You can be Marvin Gaye to her Tammi Terrell—try "Ain't No Mountain High Enough," a crowd pleaser that builds to a, well, climax.

Ways to Optain a Permanent Cure to Hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids (or piles) are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum that are caused by increased abdominal pressure, or to a lesser extent, other causes.
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Hemorrhoids may be found inside the rectum, in which case they are called internal hemorrhoids.  They may also develop under the skin around the anus, as external haemorrhoids.

What are the causes of hemorrhoids?

Though you may have inherited the tendency to develop hemorrhoids, here are more likely reasons why you’re having the problem:
  • You strain while passing stool.
  • You spend too long sitting on the toilet bowl.
  • You’ve had a recent or long-term battle with diarrhea or constipation.
  • You’re overweight or obese.
  • You’re pregnant.
  • You engage in anal sex.

Permanent cure for hemorrhoids

With proven home treatments, you can easily relieve the mild pain, swelling and inflammation of hemorrhoids. Usually, the following tips are enough to help you treat hemorrhoids, quickly and permanently:
  • Apply an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream or suppository that contains hydrocortisone. You can also use pads containing numbing agents.
  • Using a sitz bath, place your anal area in plain warm water for 10 to 20 minutes. Repeat this twice to thrice a day. If you can’t get a sitz bath, any other suitable container would do.
  • Always keep your anal area clean by bathing regularly. Avoid using soap on the area, as this may aggravate the problem. After bathing, gently dry the area with a soft cloth or hair dryer.
  • Always use moist towels or tissue paper to clean up after bowel movement. Using dry toilet paper will worsen the problem.
  • To relieve swellings, apply ice packs or cold compresses on your anus.
  • Take oral pain relievers like acetaminophen (Paracetamol, etc.), aspirin or ibuprofen. All these will help relieve the discomfort.