Excellent Beauty Tips For Dark Skinned Laddies

Beauty comes in all colors and cultures. Whether you are an African American, Latina, Asian or Native American woman, you possess features that allow you to stand out from the crowd. By following beauty tips designed for women of your own culture, you can play up beautiful features such as full lips, glossy hair and perfectly shaped almond eyes. Read on to find out 10 beauty tips for dark skinned girls.
Ten Beauty Tips for Dark Skinned Girls-Health Envoy's Blog



1. Beauty Tip for African American Women: Hair Moisturizer is Essential

Beauty Tip for Dark Women Hair Moisturizer is Essential-Health Envoy's Blog
African American women face unique challenges with their hair. Moisturizer is essential to minimize possible damage that African American hair often suffers. First, African American hair tends to be dryer than hair of any other ethnicity. This is largely due to tight curl patterns prevalent among African Americans. A majority of African American women also chemically straighten their hair, which causes dryness and can promote breakage. A significant number of African American women also wear weaves and hair extensions which can also weaken the natural hair.

2. Beauty Tip for African American Women: Don’t Fear Bold Makeup Colors

Don't Fear Bold Makeup Colors-Health Envoy's Blog
Many African American women have sensuous full lips and gorgeous facial bone structure. Bold colors such as plum and true red often look amazing against dark skin tones. Glitter is an especially glamorous look for evening. To create an office-worthy look, emphasize bold colors for one feature, such as your eyes or your lips, and maintain a neutral or bare look for the rest of your face.

3. Beauty Tip for Native American Women: Play Up Your Almond Eyes

Play Up Your Almond Eyes-Health Envoy's Blog
Many Native American women have beautiful, perfectly shaped almond eyes.  If you are blessed with this ideal eye shape, lucky you! You can exercise broad latitude in playing up your gorgeous eyes. Apply generous coats of mascara along with eye liner to emphasize your eyes as much as possible.

4. Tip for Native American Women:  Neutral Foundation, Bolder Blush

Neutral Foundation Bolder Blush-Health Envoy's Blog
Many Native Americans have beautiful complexions that hardly need makeup at all. Allow your complexion to shine through with neutral or bare foundation. Adding a bolder blush and distinctive eye colors prevents you from blending into the background.

5. Beauty Tip for Latina Women:  Don’t Overdo the Foundation

Don't Overdo the Foundation-Health Envoy's Blog
Latina women often have beautiful olive or golden complexions that need little or any foundation.  Resist the temptation to pile on the makeup in an attempt to look “glamorous.”  Even when preparing for an evening out, a sheer or translucent foundation allows your gorgeous complexion to shine through, and won’t compete with your eye color or your lip color for attention.

6. Beauty Tip for Latina Women: Highlight Your Eye Color

Highlight Your Eye Color-Health Envoy's Blog
Many Latinas have striking eye colors, ranging from dark brown to sparkling green and blue. Highlight your eye color with the right eye shadow shades: plums for brown eyes, bronze and brown for blue eyes, violet and brown for green eyes and brown, gold or green for hazel eyes.  Don’t overdo the eyeliner.

7. Beauty Tip for Asian Women: Adapt Eye Makeup to Your Eye Shape

Adapt Eye Makeup to Your Eye Shape-Health Envoy's Blog
The unique eye shape that is prevalent among Asians can present makeup challenges. If you have a monolid that is common among many Asians, resist the temptation to create a false eyelid “crease.” Unless you are a makeup artist it is bound to look artificial. Asian women should also limit eyeliner to the top lids to avoid making their eyes look smaller.

8. Beauty Tip for Asian Women: Rock Bright Red Lipstick

 Rock Bright Red Lipstick-Health Envoy's Blog
Bright red lipstick can be tough to pull off – but on many Asian women true red lipstick looks amazing. Try a matte shade for the office and a glossy tint for evening affairs. On the other hand, coral and peach lipsticks often do not pair well with Asian skin. Likewise, bronze lipsticks are usually not a good choice for Asian women.

9. Beauty Tip for All Women of Color: Moisturizer and Sunscreen Are Musts

Moisturizer and Sunscreen Are Musts-Health Envoy's Blog
Regardless of your ethnicity, keeping your skin hydrated is essential. If your skin is oily, seek out water-based products. If your skin is very dry or mature, cream-based products are your best bet. Following this tip alone will help minimize the visual effects of aging.
Many women of color and black women in particular believe that they are impervious to sun damage. While it is true that dark skin contains more melanin which protects skin against sun damage to a certain extent, sunscreen is a must regardless of skin tone. Even if your skin does not visibly burn, you may be suffering sun damage that can show up later as wrinkles – or in a worst case scenario – as skin cancer.

10. Tip for All Women of Color: Seek the Right Foundation Colors

Seek the Right Foundation Colors-Health Envoy's Blog
Once upon a time, women of color were often unable to find makeup in shades that suited their skin tones. Fortunately, many makeup lines have recognized the need to offer formulas and shades for women of color as well. Take advantage of this situation to seek out a foundation shade that is an exact match for your skin tone.
There are many amazing beauty tips you can follow these days, and these are just a few of them. What are your own beauty tips?
Read Also -10 Ways to Simplify Your Makeup Routine

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