Your 7-Step Spring Detox Plan

 Health Envoy's Blog

Skip the juice cleanse - this easy action plan is all you need to feel slimmer, less stressed, and more refreshed this season.

While detoxing your body is the equivalent of spring cleaning the dust bunnies from your closet, the thought of a detox gives most people nightmares about two-hour gym marathons running on nothing but green juice. But detoxing doesn't have to be that difficult. Add these seven simple steps to your routine to shed pounds, de-clutter your life, and give yourself a fresh start the hassle-free way.

Add 2 glasses of water to your day

Add 2 glasses of water to your day.

Water is key to flushing out your system, hydrating your skin for that warm-weather glow, and boosting your metabolism. "The best way to determine your hydration levels is to check the color of your urine," said Deborah Enos, certified nutritionist. "If the urine is clear, or almost clear, you're probably sufficiently hydrated. If it's dark in color, then you're more than likely dehydrated." Many women don't reach the Institute of Medicine's daily recommendation of 2.2 liters (or about 9 cups) of beverages a day. Start by adding just two glasses to your daily routine — one when you first wake up ("I make myself drink a glass of water before my morning coffee," said Enos), and one more right before you go to bed. You'll automatically knock 16 ounces off your daily requirement and will begin and end your day on a healthy note.

 Meditate for one minute each day.

Meditate for one minute each day.

A healthy lifestyle is just as much about your mindset as it is about your body. Taking time each day to clear your mind and re-center your energy will help fight stress and allow you to be more productive for the rest of the day. "I prefer to meditate in the morning because it sets me up for the day ahead. I have a little nook in my bedroom where I've set up a comfy pillow to sit on and a candle," said Arielle Fierman, certified health and nutrition coach. "Anytime that you need a quick break, a dose of inspiration and calmness, just stop, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. I often do it before I'm walking into a meeting or even while commuting on the subway!" If meditating doesn't come naturally to you she recommends concentrating on your breathing or playing a calming song while you sit quietly.

 Add one green vegetable to every meal.

Add one green vegetable to every meal.

"Leafy greens are full of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting phytochemicals," said Enos. "Green veggies are also a good source of fiber -- important for weight loss and maintenance because it helps to control your hunger by keeping you feeling fuller, longer." Even if you're not a huge veggie fan, there are so many delicious options for preparation that you're sure to find a few you like. Enos recommends starting the day with a green smoothie, while Fierman sneaks in more greens by having hummus and veggies wrapped in a collard green for lunch and kale sautéed with coconut oil and sea salt as a side dish for dinner.

 Don't eat anything you can't pronounce.

Don't eat anything you can't pronounce.

Completely overhauling your entire diet can be discouraging and ultimately lead to binges. Instead, start with a simple, manageable rule: Read the ingredients. "I make it a rule to never eat anything that wasn't on the planet while my grandmother was alive — and that's a lot of ingredients!" said Enos. "In our race to keep up with our daily schedules, we often sacrifice our health by grabbing foods full of 'lab foods' such as high fructose corn syrup and trans fatty acids." Instead, only choose products whose ingredients you can pronounce and recognize. "Eating foods that have been on the planet for hundreds of years is the best method I know of to keep my body healthy," Enos said.

 Add 20 to 30 minutes of movement to your day.

Add 30 minutes of movement to your day.

If you've spent most of the winter curled up on the couch, getting back into an exercise routine can be intimidating. But getting up and moving is crucial to slimming down and feeling energized. The CDC recommends that adults ages 25 to 64 get two and a half hours of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week. While that may sound like a lot, broken down per day it's just 32 minutes of activity! If you're having a hard time getting motivated, Fierman recommends signing up for group fitness classes the week before so you have concrete workouts on the schedule, as well as packing your exercise clothes in the morning and bringing them with you to work.

 Go to sleep 30 minutes earlier.

Go to sleep 30 minutes earlier.

Few people consider sleep as an important part of a detox, but getting enough shut-eye, and quality sleep at that, translates into major benefits beyond just feeling well rested. In fact, numerous studies have linked lack of sleep to increased risk of obesity by de-regulating appetite. While it may be hard to shut down the electronics and get into bed earlier, Fierman suggests shutting off all stimulation, including TV and cell phones, at least an hour before you get in bed. She also suggests putting your pajamas on right when you get home so you can wind down faster, and sipping an herbal tea like chamomile, which will help relax the muscles in your digestive system and your body.

 Spring clean one room per week.

Spring clean one room per week.

One of the biggest tasks come spring is organizing the house. Since attacking the entire house at once is a massive undertaking, set a goal of cleaning one room per week instead, and start with the kitchen. Empty everything out of the fridge and pantry, wipe down the shelves, and toss anything that is expired or has ingredients you can't pronounce, Fierman said. Then re-stock the shelves in an organized manner: "Your kitchen should be functional, easy to use and well organized so you're more inspired to cook versus ordering in," said Fierman. She suggests making your kitchen "Instagramable" with flowers in a vase on top of some cookbooks or bright green apples displayed in a pretty silver bowl. "Adding bright and fresh elements will make you want to spend more time in the kitchen — and take photos of what you're making!"

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