Allergies and Cooking Oils

Health Envoy's Blog

Asked To Allergy Expert: Dr. Anna Feldweg.
 Q: I've heard that vegetable oil may contain additives harmful to people with allergies to soy. Which oil would be better, corn or canola?
— Janie, Georgia

  By Dr. Anna Feldweg
A: I recommend canola, but not for the reasons you might think. Let me explain: Most oils consist almost entirely of fat and contain no significant protein. This is important because protein is the component of food to which people become allergic. For this reason, people who are allergic to, say, peanuts can tolerate peanut oil. In your case, your allergy to soy products probably doesn't extend to soybean oil. However, some oils, especially those described as "extruded," "cold pressed," or "expelled," can contain trace amounts of protein and so may pose a small risk.
Because of this, many people with a specific allergy find it simpler to choose a different everyday oil, such as corn or canola. Of the two, research indicates that canola contains more omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to be helpful in preventing heart disease, so that's why I recommend it. By the way, olive oil is also rich in omega-3s — and tastes great too.
Read Also - Foods to Fight Allergies

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