You gotta want it, they say. Understatement, I say!

I've had some wonderful sparkfriends!
And through their stories I was lucky enough to realize the importance of a key ingredient of weight loss early in my journey.


The stepping stone, the initial impetus, the driving force, the only thing that can gain momentum and drive us along the road leading to success.

Back in 2011, when I found myself at the beginning of this uphill road, I used to read about it all the time.

And it's true.
But the word "want" is not strong enough to express what it takes.
Wanting it is just not enough.

You have to long for change to be able to get up again every single time you fall.

You have to crave a new version of yourself to fight all the obstacles that will come your way.

You have to yearn for a healthy and active body to be able to keep your eyes on the prize and fight away all distractions.

And when you finally reach your goal, you need double and triple doses of this strong desire to be able to maintain. Just wanting it is simply not enough. You will also want to re-visit your old habits at some point. You will want to indulge in your favorite treats. You will want to take a break from exercise. And you don't know which desire will be stronger when the time comes. You can't leave this to chance. Your desire to maintain your weight, your health, your energy has to be strengthened to the maximum to be able to withstand the temptations. You have to place this desire on the tip of your priorities pyramid. And push it back up every time it slips towards the base!

The stronger your desire, the better your chances of losing or maintaining.

So, keep it strong. Just like you do with your muscles.

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