8 Things Every Woman Should Know About Breast Health

Health Envoy's Blog

There are a few things, which you should know about breast health. The main of them is regular self-examination of breast. It can prevent of cancer. However, what else should we do for breast health? Here are 8 things every woman should know about breast health.
Things Every Woman Should Know About Breast Health

1. Supportive bra

It’s not so important for girls with bigger breast. No matter what breast size you have, be sure you wear bras that fit properly and support your breasts. I know it’s not easy to find a good bra at moderate price, but never buy any bra, try to find the right one. The right bra will help you to reduce the backache caused by larger breasts.

2. Self breast exam

To maintain breast health means to do regularly home breast examinations. If you do breast exams regularly, you’ll know how they feel and what is normal for you. Sometimes many of us feel discomfort around the time of our period. If you don’t know how to examine your breasts, ask your gynecologist to show you.

3. If you doubt, check it out!

If you’re not sure in your breast health, you must consult your gynecologist. If everything turns out ok, any doctor will think that you wasted his/her time. Remember, not all lumps are cancer. It’s better to know that everything is all right than worry yourself unreasonably or ignore a problem that needs attention.

4. Heredity

If your mother, grandmother, aunt or sister suffered breast cancer, don’t forget to tell your doctor about it. You may be at higher risk of cancer developing, and require checks earlier than normal. But don’t be panic, there is no guarantee that there will be a genetic link, but it’s reasonable to know the potential of risks.

5. Healthy living

You must not only check your breast health, but general health too. Don’t drink lots of alcohol! Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and take moderate exercises.

6. New technology

Generally, mammograms aren’t performed on women under 50, as their breast tissue is denser, it is harder to reveal any problems. Nevertheless, nowadays appears new technology, which can do this. Therefore, younger women may get tests without any problems.

7. Weight

The National Cancer Institute asserts that postmenopausal overweight women are at greater risk of breast cancer. Even if you’re not a postmenopausal woman, you should maintain your weight in normal. It’s not only good for your breast health, but for your general health too.

8. Soybean

Women in Asia have a lower rate of breast cancer than in Western countries, because they eat many soybean products. Asian women who move to the West and accept Western nutrition have a higher rate of breast cancer. That’s why eat soy products such as soy milk and tofu. Try to eat the whole soybean it is healthier than processed one.
There’s no need to worry about breast health, but it’s important to do regular self-examination of breast. Don’t you know that men can also suffer from breast cancer? That’s why be attentive to your boyfriend. Check out anything that concerns you. Remember: “Prevention is better than cure.” Have you ever thought about your breast health or you just ignore it?

Also Read - Cancer Center

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