6 Summer Foods to Ease Depression

Health Envoy's Blog

By Regina Boyle Wheeler
Reviewed by Niya Jones, MD, MPH

 Good Mood Summer Foods

Good Mood Summer Foods

Some foods that help fight depression are available year-round, but come summer there’s an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and other foods to help keep you healthy and happy.
The body and brain need more than 40 nutrients and a million phytonutrients to function properly, said Elizabeth Somer, RD, MA, a dietitian in Salem, Ore., and author of several books, including “Food & Mood.”
“The amount and balance of those nutrients determine whether you are happy or sad, smart or forgetful, energetic or lethargic, and healthy or diseased."  So take advantage of what nature’s serving up this summer!

Go Green With Lettuce

Go Green With Lettuce

Romaine lettuce is a great food for depression, said Rachel Begun, MS, RDN, a food and nutrition consultant and communications expert in Boulder, Colo. It’s an excellent source of folate, a B vitamin, and low levels of folate have been linked to depression and mood problems, she said.

 Savor Shrimp

Savor Shrimp

Throw some shrimp on the barbeque for a flavorful summer food to improve your mood. “Shrimp contain omega-3’s but are low in mercury,” said Zelana Montminy, Psy.D, a psychology and nutrition specialist in Los Angeles.
“Studies say that omega-3 fatty acids may help ease depressive symptoms and can smooth out moods,” she added. Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids include wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna. Use them in homemade tacos or over salads, Montminy suggested.

 Go Wild for Watermelon

Go Wild for Watermelon

Nibble on sweet, juicy, chin-dribbling watermelon, Somer suggested. “Watermelon is an excellent source of lycopene, an antioxidant that protects delicate brain tissue," she said.
"Watermelon has more lycopene than do tomatoes — up to 20 milligrams in each 2-cup serving. The lycopene in watermelon helps lower the risk for inflammation associated with dementia and possibly depression."

 Be Corny

Be Corny

Starchy vegetables like corn are considered high-quality carbohydrates, Begun said, and "they are mood enhancers, as they help to increase serotonin levels." Low serotonin levels in the brain are associated with mood problems.
“So go ahead and enjoy that grilled corn on the cob, corn chowder, or mix the kernels into a black bean and corn salad, as beans are another high-quality carb that enhances mood levels,” Begun said.

 Eat Blue to Beat the Blues

Eat Blue to Beat the Blues

A summer picnic isn’t the same without classic American potato salad. Montminy suggested choosing blue or purple potatoes instead of regular ones though.
“The anthocyanin antioxidants in them can reduce inflammation that can lead to bad moods,” she said. Another reason they are a good summer food for mood is that they’re packed with iodine, which helps stabilize thyroid function hormone levels and can offset mood swings.

Pick a Pepper

Pick a Pepper

Head to the farmers market and choose some orange bell peppers — another food for depression. Deep orange veggies are loaded with beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects the brain from damage, Somer said, and "the more richly colored vegetables you eat, the more brain protection you get.”
Bright orange veggies also supply hefty amounts of vitamin C, potassium, iron, and fiber. Make sure to wash down your summer foods for mood with six to eight glasses of water, especially during warm weather. Even minor dehydration can negatively affect your mood.

Read Also - Promising Non-Antidepressant Therapies for Depression


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