8 Ways to Stay Positive With Multiple Sclerosis

One of the most important things you can do to live well with multiple sclerosis is to maintain a positive outlook. Discover ways to stay positive and improve your quality of life.

Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH
Managing multiple sclerosis requires a proactive approach — becoming educated
about the condition, sticking to your treatment plan, and communicating with your
doctor if you notice changes in your symptoms. But beyond medical care,
the way you approach life can also influence your condition,
says Benjamin M. Greenberg, MD, MHS, deputy director of the multiple sclerosis
program at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
"Remaining positive is important in multiple sclerosis for many reasons," Dr. Greenberg says. "There is ample data to indicate that depressed moods tend to magnify symptomatic issues. Pain, fatigue,
and cognitive issues can be worsened as a person's mood declines."
Multiple sclerosis doesn't have to be the sole focus of your life. People living with
multiple sclerosis have families, successful careers, and a variety of hobbies.
Instead of dwelling on the negatives, highlight the positive aspects of your life to help
balance your overall point-of-view, Greenberg suggests.
Here are eight ways to positively influence your perception of living with multiple
sclerosis and improve your overall outlook:



Get Educated

Knowledge is a powerful tool for living with multiple sclerosis and maintaining
a positive outlook. Stay up-to-date about new multiple sclerosis treatments,
approved medications, and current research studies.
Your doctor is a good source for this type of information.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is a reliable resource for updated statistics,
scientific data, support groups, research studies, and more.

Take Charge of MS Flares

Knowing what to expect during flares can help relieve some of the stress of living
with multiple sclerosis. Not all multiple sclerosis exacerbations require treatment.
Mild flares may lead to numbness, tingling, or fatigue — common multiple sclerosis
symptoms that are annoying but manageable by slowing down and waiting for them to
resolve on their own. More serious flares — such as those that interfere with your ability
to function at full capacity — may require treatment. Know when to contact your doctor to
minimize interruptions to your daily routine.

Give Yourself a Break

"Let's face it — multiple sclerosis is so unpredictable," says Denise Pisciotta, right,
who's been living with multiple sclerosis for more than 20 years.
"One moment you feel fine, and the next you're so tired you can't even get dressed," she says.
"I've learned that some things are just out of my control, and to laugh at myself when
my body does something dumb." It's impossible to control every moment of your life,
even if a chronic condition isn't on the agenda, so you're setting yourself up for failure
if you have unrealistic expectations of never having a bad day.
"When I get really frustrated, sometimes a good cry makes me feel better," Pisciotta says.
"If you're really struggling, reach out to family and friends and ask for help.
Sometimes just talking it out helps a lot, and problems don't seem so overwhelming."

Get the Real Stats About MS

Arm yourself with facts about living with multiple sclerosis. Don't allow
assumptions or dramatic portrayals of the disease on television to influence your outlook.
Let these numbers put multiple sclerosis in correct perspective for you:
  • It's not a rare disease: Between two million and three million people have MS worldwide.
  • It's not a death sentence: Most people with multiple sclerosis have an average or near-average life expectancy.
  • It's not contagious: You won't get multiple sclerosis from being around someone who has it, and it's not directly inherited from a parent who has multiple sclerosis.
  • You aren't destined to become severely disabled: Most people with multiple sclerosis don't lose their ability to walk. However, you may need a mobility device from time to time because of balance issues or fatigue. A cane, crutches, a scooter, or wheelchair can help keep you mobile and independent. And the future holds more promise. "Multiple sclerosis is rapidly changing for the better," Greenberg says. "There are many new drugs coming out that don't just prevent damage, but may actually repair damage that's been done."

Get the 411 on Wheelchairs

Not everyone living with multiple sclerosis will need to use a wheelchair. Without treatment, many people with multiple sclerosis will have significant difficulty walking, Greenberg says. "But since the advent of new therapies and the expansion of [existing] therapies, that number is dropping." And should you need a wheelchair, you can still live the lifestyle you want. Pisciotta has used one since 1989. Her initial reaction was anger, but she quickly turned that around. "My thought was, 'Okay, this sucks, but I still want to work, shop, and do all things I did before the wheelchair,'" she says, "so I changed my attitude and continued my routine," but with some accommodations. "I had to change my living situation from an apartment on the second floor with no elevator to a condo accessible with an elevator, wider doorways, and a larger bathroom," she says. "Also, when going places, I have to do some planning — does the establishment have steps? Is the bathroom accessible for a wheelchair? Can I get around without playing bumper cars? The Americans With Disabilities Act has come a long way to make places accessible, but not every [business] is required to change, and the term 'accessible' can mean varying things." But with planning and a positive attitude, a wheelchair is a tool that offers you the ability to continue with the lifestyle you want to lead.

Know That You Can Have Kids

Living with multiple sclerosis doesn't have to prevent you from having children.
The likelihood that your child will develop multiple sclerosis is extremely low —
Most children of parents with multiple sclerosis will never get the disease, Greenberg says.
"We fully support pregnancy in multiple sclerosis and don't advise against it
except in very rare instances." In fact, pregnant women with multiple sclerosis
experience fewer flares during the second and third trimesters. "Additionally,
labor and delivery don't have increased risk unless there is some level of major
disability prior to delivery," he says. Multiple sclerosis doesn't have to diminish this
joyful life experience.

Work Closely With Your Doctor

Your doctor is your ultimate connection for resources, multiple sclerosis treatment,
and support, so finding a doctor you're comfortable working with is a priority.
If your symptoms suddenly change or new symptoms start,
you need to be able to reach out freely to your doctor with your concerns.
Selecting the right doctor is also important for maintaining a positive outlook.
If you find yourself unable to shake a depressed mood or constantly feeling negative
about living with multiple sclerosis, Greenberg suggests talking with your doctor.
There may be treatment options to relieve the problem or reduce the stress associated with it.

Get Involved in the MS Community

Being part of a community is a good way to find support and develop friendships
with people who understand what you're experiencing. The National Multiple Sclerosis
Society is a great place to connect with others; find your local chapter on its Web site at www.NationalMSSociety.org. "Looking for opportunities to take part in advocacy or
research can go a long way as well," Greenberg says. Pisciotta is involved with a
group from her local chapter. They not only support one another,
but they also find ways to make a difference in the fight against multiple sclerosis by
fundraising and mentoring local scholarship recipients. Being part of a community,
working toward a cure, and contributing to a network of support for others living with multiple sclerosis are all empowering actions that can bolster your positive outlook.

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