7 Mistakes New Wives Make That Can Ruin a Marriage | New Wives Marriage Ruining Mistakes

If you are going to tie the knot soon, you need to know some of the worst mistakes most new wives make that can ruin a marriage. It may seem these mistakes are not so serious and they couldn’t affect your marriage, but they actually can. Avoid the following mistakes to have a happy and solid marriage.
Mistakes New Wives Make That Can Ruin a Marriage - Health Envoy's Blog

1. Saying insulting things

 Saying insulting things - Health Envoy's Blog
Even if you didn’t argue with your sweetheart before marriage, you’re going to fight after tying the knot. When you do, make sure you don’t say insulting things that you would not have said before marriage. Sure, you can apologize later, but you can’t take your offensive words back. Always think twice before saying something.

2. Taking out the trash

Taking out the trash - Health Envoy Blog
Perhaps it sounds silly, but this little thing can cause lots of problems in your marriage. Do you want to take the trash out all the time? Don’t do it. Let your husband take out trash, he might do it without fights.

3. Flirting

Flirting - Health Envoy's Blog
Just because you tied the knot doesn’t mean you should stop flirting. If you do it, the magic of love will begin disappearing. Most wives believe they don’t have to keep things fun when they are married, but they’re mistaken. Send flirty texts to your hubby, flirt when you see him after work, and you will keep things fresh between you.

4. Taking over chores

Taking over chores - Health Envoy's Blog
Taking over all of the chores, including the finances, is another mistake almost every new wife makes. At the beginning of the marriage, both of you will think that it’s great when a wife takes over the finances, but it will actually wear on you later. Try to make decisions together.

5. Disliking his family

Disliking his family - Health Envoy's Blog
Don’t make an enemy of your husband’s mom, dad, his sibling or his best friend. He loves his family as well as his friends and even though he might side with you if there’s a conflict, you must avoid making this mistake. Be kind and polite to his family and try to love them all. They will definitely love you and appreciate you for it.

6. Begrudging your husband time with friends

Begrudging your husband time with friends - Health Envoy's Blog
I know you want to spend more time with your sweetheart as a new wife, but don’t begrudge him time with his buddies. It’s important that you spend quality time together, but you should also spend some time with your friends. When your husband goes out, just make plans of your own and have fun too.

7. Forgetting about your friends

Forgetting about your friends - Health Envoy's Blog
When it comes to friends, a marriage is not a reason to give up your close friends. You need them and they need you. I had a close friend who forgot about our friendship after she got married. Now, when she is in the process of divorce, she calls me and wants to be my best friend again, but I actually don’t want to have such friend though I wish you all the best. So, don’t forget about your friends and make time to see them once in a while.
Now you have it, some of the most common mistakes new wives make. Which of them did you make as a new wife? Do you know any other mistakes new wives make?

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