Breastfeeding Guide

You've probably heard that "breast is best" for baby – here are the reasons why that's true.

It's not false advertising to say that mother's milk is nature's perfect food — and it's no overstatement either. Just as cow's milk is the ideal food for calves and goat's milk the best supper for kids (of the goatish variety), your breast milk is exquisitely tailored to meet the nutritional needs of a newborn human. Human breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients that can't be found in cow's milk and that formula manufacturers have yet to duplicate. It's easy on your baby's delicate tummy, too — breastfed babies' dirty diapers are notoriously less nasty than those of their formula-fed nursery mates (and nursed newborns suffer far less frequently from constipation and almost never from diarrhea). Some babies might be allergic to cow's milk (or soy alternatives), but the odds are slim that your baby's body will object to anything about your milk (except not being able to get to it fast enough).
Your milk also has a lower protein content, which makes it easier for your baby to digest, and its chief protein (lactalbumin) is both more nutritious and more readily broken down than the primary protein in cow's milk (caseinogen).The fats in your milk separate more easily, which is part of the explanation for those sweeter-smelling soiled nappies (as impossible as it may be to believe, the odor really isn't onerous — at least until solids come your baby's way). Finally, unlike formula, which is the same from feeding to feeding and can to can, the milk your body makes will change in composition in response to your baby's needs (and change in taste based on the foods you're eating). Want to know the many other benefits of breastfeeding? Read on!
Protection from infection. Breastfed babies are far less likely to suffer from ear infections, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and other illnesses, in large part because their immune system is bucked up by antibodies and other immune-boosting factors that are passed from the mom through her milk. Colostrum, the protein-rich, low-fat premilk produced by your breasts during pregnancy (and before real milk comes in), is particularly rich in these healthy ingredients. There are also no worries about bacterial beasties when it comes to breast milk: Breast milk is always sterile, no boiling required.
Freedom from flab. Chubbiness may be cute, but it's not necessarily a sign of better health, and nursing reduces the risk of excess weight. Breastfed babies tend to be leaner than formula-fed babies, although their weight gain is steady and appropriate. It's not just good for Mama's arms and back to haul around a less hefty tyke: Studies show that carrying extra weight as a baby is linked to obesity later in life.
Brainer babies. Studies show a slight but statistically significant increase in the IQ of breastfed babies compared with those fed formula. One possible reason is that breast milk contains the fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is important for brain development. All those hours of skin-on-skin contact with Mom are also great for your baby's cognitive and emotional development (in addition to just making your baby feel nurtured and safe).
Mightier mouths. Rubber and silicone nipples offer flimsy resistance to a baby's sucks compared with the breast. Because they have to work extra hard for their breakfast, breastfed babies build stronger jaws and have well-developed teeth and palates (in addition to fewer cavities later in life!).
A taste for Thai (or veggies). Want your baby to be an adventurous eater? Start at the breast. Cutting those little taste buds on breast milk, which takes on the flavor of whatever you've been dining on, acclimates a baby early on to a world of flavors beyond pablum. Researchers have found (and so have moms) that nursed babies are less likely to be timid in their tastes than their formula-fed peers once they graduate to the high chair — and more likely to open wide to that spoonful of yams (or that forkful, later on, of curry).
Breastfeeding also offers a pile of perks for Mom, too (believe it or not). Baby's sucks on your breasts trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin, which spurs the shrinking of the uterus. And speaking of shrinking, all those extra calories your baby is draining out of you means that even though you'll be adding more calories to your diet to make milk, you won't be piling on the pounds — and you might start seeing that waistline of yours sooner (though not if you add more calories than you need). Breastfeeding also reduces your risk of uterine and breast cancer and of bone loss after menopause. And here's another benefit: Your period will be slower to return, but unless you want your children very closely spaced — or enjoy surprises — you should not rely on breastfeeding as your only form of contraception. Most breastfeeding mothers begin to ovulate between four and six months after giving birth, and you're fertile before that first period.
Of course, one of the biggest benefits is sheer convenience. When you're nursing, you can pack up the baby and hit the road without having to pack up and lug around bottles, nipples, cleaning supplies, a bottle warmer, and so on; your breasts will always come along for the ride (and though you do have to lug them, you can't forget to pack them). You can also forget about 2 a.m. trips to the kitchen for a formula refill; late-night feedings require nothing more complicated than an easy-access nightie and a cozy, sleepy snuggle with your little one. For many mothers, that physical and emotional connection (not to mention a bit of extra sleep) is the very best part of nursing.

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