Cancer Center

Health Envoy's Blog

After a cancer diagnosis — whether it's your own or that of a loved one — the right information can be one of your most powerful weapons. Here's what you need to know about cancer treatment and management.

Cancer in the simplest terms is the abnormal growth of cells somewhere in the body. Each year, more than a million people receive a cancer diagnosis, and the most common types of cancer include breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer. In addition to the three major types of cancer treatment — surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy — researchers are working to find new and more effective ways of fighting cancer. Some cancers can't be prevented, but other types can be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle.

Cancer Conditions

  • Bladder Cancer
  • Bone Cancer
  • Brain Tumor
  • Breast Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Liver Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Lymphoma
  • Mesothelioma
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Uterine Cancer

Cancer Basics

Cancer is often feared and misunderstood, and there are many misconceptions about this disease. But education is the best defense, so don't believe the common cancer myths. Although signs vary among the different types of cancer, cancer symptoms can include pain, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. Depending on your cancer stage, you and your treatment team will come up with a cancer treatment plan that's right for you. You may also be interested in enrolling in a cancer clinical trial, which can offer access to newer and more experimental therapies.
  • What Is Cancer?
  • Know the Most Common Types of Cancer
  • Can You Really Prevent Cancer?
  • A Cancer Glossary
  • 8 Common Cancer Myths
  • Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
  • Spotting Common Cancer Symptoms
  • Understanding Cancer Stages
  • Your Cancer Treatment Team
  • Cancer Treatment: Know Your Options
  • Deciding on a Cancer Treatment Plan
  • Biological Therapy for Cancer Treatment
  • Chemotherapy: A Cancer Treatment Standard
  • Chemotherapy 101
  • Chemotherapy and Your Immune System
  • When Surgery Is the Best Cancer Treatment
  • Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment
  • Is a Cancer Clinical Trial Right for You?
  • Alternative Medicine for Cancer Treatment
  • Cancer Research: Where the Funding Goes
  • A Cancer Cure: Is It in Sight?

Cancer Management

A cancer diagnosis can affect every aspect of the patient's life, including work, financial issues, appearance and sexuality. Coping with cancer treatment is never easy, but following healthy lifestyle practices, like eating right, exercising, and dealing with your emotions can help. There are also many treatment options for easing cancer pain. Cancer caregivers should also be sure to look after themselves to keep up with this demanding role.
  • Nutrition for Cancer Patients
  • Avoiding Cancer Stress on the Job
  • Sexuality During Cancer Treatment
  • When Cancer Changes Your Appearance
  • Money Matters: Cancer and Health Insurance
  • Exercise and Cancer Treatment
  • Humor Therapy and Cancer
  • Finding the Right Cancer Pain Relief
  • A Guide for the Cancer Caregiver
  • Care for the Cancer Caregiver
  • When a Child Has Cancer
  • Grief and the Cancer Caregiver
  • The Caregiver's Role on the Cancer Treatment Team
  • End-of-Life Issues for Cancer Patients
  • Coping With Chemotherapy Side Effects
  • 8 Ways to Avoid Post-Chemo Infections
  • The Emotional Impact of a Cancer Diagnosis
  • Attitudes and Cancer
  • Making Informed Decisions
  • Learning About New Cancer Treatments
  • Common Questions About Diet and Cancer
  • For Spouses, Families, and Friends
  • Life After Cancer Treatment
  • The Anti-Cancer Diet: Foods to Fight Cancer
  • United in Hope: A Survivor's Story
  • 8 Caregiving Ideas to Help Cancer Patients
  • Supplements That May Fight Cancer

Cancer Blogs and Discussion Forums

In cancer discussion forums, people are talking about topics related to breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and other cancer types. Don't see any threads of interest? Start a conversation about living with cancer, cancer treatments, cancer symptoms, cancer diagnosis, or anything else on your mind concerning cancer. Join in the discussion and learn from others who are facing the challenges of cancer in their daily lives.
Cancer Blogs
  • Breast Cancer the Second Time Around
  • Life With Breast Cancer
  • Stupid Cancer Blog
  • What Helps. What Hurts. What Heals.
  • See all blogs.

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